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This sites address has changed to

August 8, 2007


My new websites address is I would appreciate it if all those who have me on their blogroll can update the address, I have emailed many of you and I am trying to get everyone over to my new site. Please note that there are only a few changes. Most notably I was able […]

Why are yarmulkes made out of their respective materials?

July 16, 2007


Many great things that we use today were not created for their specific purposes, sometimes these items were made by mistake kind of like the Polio Vaccine, while some of these were just used in different ways then we know them today. I for one have always wondered where the materials used for yarmulkes came […]

Two hilarious things that happened today

June 28, 2007


First of all I was checking the search terms of the week- which by the way are viewable on the top of this page and updated every week, and noticed by far one of the funniest terms yet “kosher edible panty” This made me laugh my ass off. I wonder if they will start searching […]

Categorizing different kasharus levels

June 18, 2007


My buddy recently went to the Upper West Side for a shabbos of boring conversation, shallow questions and a shidduch marathon which means 3-5 dates over a weekend. He found something interesting, when he asked many people where he could take a girl to eat, being as he is not from New York, they would […]

Tis the season for weddings and I will tell the story of each

June 14, 2007


I shifted my weight from one cheek to the next on my little folding plastic chair. If this had been an indoor chupa I am sure the noise would have caused a couple of annoyed folks to turn around, however this wedding, was outdoors. The last outdoors chupa I went to almost blew away during […]

Judging folks based on their birchas hatorah

May 26, 2007


I have come to the conclusion that one of the hardest ways to judge people, is based on the way they make their bracha when the called up to the torah. There are millions of other ways, but getting called up to the torah and making the brachas is one of those things that everyone […]

The all inclusive guide to judging and labeling every orthodox Jewish sect

May 1, 2007


Please visit my new blog at So these days there has been lots of talk about labels within Judaism, just last night I was talking to my aunt who was saying that I should go out with girls from this and that kind of schools because you cant get a yeshivish but you also […]

The best ways to mess with Baal Teshuva’s

April 26, 2007


Please visit my new site at There was some kid at the kosher kitchen today where I mashgiach once in a while- who switched the way he was facing during benching so as a joke I told him to face the other way like in shmona esray and all the sudden I had an […]

My Sedarim

April 4, 2007


For the first time in my life I stayed up for both seders in their entirety. I spent the first days of Pesach in Saratoga Springs with my father and the Rubin family. I am so proud of myself considering that last year I fell asleep at both sidurim and my ex-fiancée used it as […]

Lubavitchers are like Elvis Impersonators

February 8, 2007


updated from an earlier post They dress like him, claim he’s still alive in some cases, and even claim to have seen him. They have enshrined his house, they are noticable whenever one lays their eyes upon them. Yes Elvis Impersonators and many Lubavitchers especially the Yichee crowd could almost be distant brothers. The Elvis […]