Browsing All Posts published on »June, 2006«

Ranting about Frumster

June 25, 2006


It used to be that online dating was taboo for frummies every where, until our good friend Frumster came along- offering a convenient place for frummies everywhere though mostly in Brooklyn and Monsey, to describe themselves how they wanted to be seen and not have to deal with nosy prying shadchunim. To the dismay of […]

Strip malls: offering choice to the subarbanized consumer

June 25, 2006


It does not even appear to be night as I veer off the trench freeway and thrust my car onto a serious of ramps that ultimately lead to a street called (enter your own) boulevard. I can see all the signs bursting forth with light illuminating the jet black sky and creating an alien like […]

Kiddush: a short essay

June 25, 2006


Kiddush: You sit patiently for 3 hours, bored most of time, concentrating some of the time and the rest of time trying to check out the women’s section. Even when you could see the women it still does not suffice. You need FOOD, that warm brown inviting food that you know awaits you at the […]

Woodburne, fond memories of hicthhiking chasidim and frummy off the derech types

June 25, 2006


I am grinding up a steady hill under a canopy of recently sun shower soaked trees. I shift into 4th to give my car some oomph, on the next downhill I come quickly on a blue minivan clumsily trying to maneuver his behemoth of a car down without killing all its occupants. I can see […]

My desk at work

June 25, 2006


My desk: That fake laminated wood that to be even called wood or anything related to wood, would in fact make the parents of wood otherwise known as trees embarrassed. So fake is this wood, that it cannot be carved, knocked on, or even provide one who scrapes their hand against it- with any sort […]

A frummies fascination with solitude and rural america

June 25, 2006


An essay about Solitude: The love of woods and rural America The addiction started early on even though I didn’t know it at the time. I never realized how much those little drives with my father on Sunday afternoons would shape the way I lived in the future. When the obsession officially started I cannot […]

Kayaking in Cooperstown

June 25, 2006


Yesterday (6/18/06) Squinting sweating, and extremely thirsty at the same time, I role over and check my watch sitting on my sun baked window sill. 10:15am, not too bad, why the hell is it so hot already I wonder to myself. I take a swig from the lemon lime seltzer that is perched up against […]

New Hampshire rocks

June 25, 2006


The sun is shining down like G-d rays through the low cloud level, the rays are glancing off the ground and reflecting off the soggy ground. Every few minutes the ground and my surroundings change completely due to this low cloud phenomena. It makes these forests of spruce and birch much more exciting, even the […]

The shadchun singlehandedly supports Starbucks

June 25, 2006


This site has moved to A tribute to shadchunim: Have you ever tried to set up a 19 year old girl, who only wants a guy that wears a size 6 yarmulke, wont eat white meat chicken, and wants a TV in the house but only hidden in the bedroom so no one will […]

Dont you just love talking to Shadchunim

June 25, 2006


Please visit My new hobby: Most people either get nervous, anxious, or just plain pissed off at pointed prying questions badgering them about things as menial as yarmulke size to whether or not they have ever gone to a rated R movie. Most people hate to be interrogated, it makes them nervous to have […]